Friday, February 22, 2013

Catching Up, Part 1

Yesterday we closed on our house. I can't believe it is finally ours and we are now homeowners!! The painters are there today and tomorrow, it is going to look amazing when those boring white walls are gone :) 

When we last left off, the granite slabs needed to be replaced and the drywall had just been finished... 

The second set of granite slabs came in only a few days later and they were much better. There are still spots of white, but they are much smaller and I like how it looks (plus it lightens the whole slab up)

A week or two before Christmas, the house was pretty much done...

Kitchen cabinets were installed, but no counters or appliances yet. 

Tile in the bathroom is looking great!


Horrible photo of the master bath vanity.

This bathroom was installed incorrectly.  It's missing the decorative tiles you see in the master, and the towel bar and soap dish were not supposed to be there.

I then went out again, a few days after Christmas.  I didn't take a lot of picture because they were painting (the boring white) and there was plastic everywhere.


But you can see the counters and appliances were installed.

And there was snow!

We made one more visit in January, but that will be Part 2.

xx Heather

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